PPS 12th Annual Conference Online - Fine tuning the farm business
Time is TBD
|Online zoom event
"Polishing what we know; shining a light on what we don't" The conference will be run in three sessions over three evenings.
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Online zoom event
About the event
The PPS Annual Conference will now be online due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 restrictions. This will enable eveyone to participate and ensure our interstate speakers are available. The PPS Annual meeting will be held during the first session on the 12th October.
The schedule is for three sessions over three evenings, 7pm -9pm on October 12th, 14th and the 19th.
Topics and Presenters include but not necessarily in this order:-
World Meat & Wool Outlook; Simon Quilty, independent meat and livestock analyst & Rob Herrmann, Mecardo
Fine-tuning a Grazing Business for Increased Returns; James Whale, James Whale Consulting
Fine Tuning Pastures; Jim Virgona, Graminus Consulting
Putting It Together On Farm, Nigel Kerin, Kerin Poll Merinos
CO2 & Red Meat; Margaret Jewell; MLA
National Recovery and Resilience Agency; Dean Jones; NRRA
PPS members - free (membership includes anyone involved in member enterprise).
Agricultural Students; $0
Non-members - $66
For full details or to book please contact the PPS Project Manager, Rob
mobile: 0438 521357 or email yadin@netconnect.com.au