Download flier here:
Soil management; getting the fundamentals in order; Jason Condon; Charles Sturt Uni, Wagga NSW
Livestock management when the seasons don’t give us what we want; Steve Cotton, Dynamic Ag Hamilton
What about the weather? Looking at extremes; Dr Savin Chand; Federation University, Ballarat
Avoiding financial mistakes in tough economic periods; Patrick & Michael White, Rural Financial Counselling Service
Speed dating your plants; Allister Moorhead, Agricom, Lincoln NZ
Farm strategies for future growth; Scott Howell, Howell Pastoral, Amphitheatre
Presenter Panel; facilitated by Charlie de Fegely; Quamby, Dobie
Industry Tour
Ararat Meat Exports, Value adding mutton to benefit farm and exporter
Annual Dinner and Meeting
Ararat Town Hall Barkly St, Ararat, 5.15pm drinks 6.15 pm dinner
Catering is Jody & Co Catering.
Guest Speaker: Ellie Cole; 6 time Paralympian gold medallist.
Conference only (includes seminar, conference book, morning tea, lunch & tour)
PPS members - $60 + GST (membership includes anyone involved in member enterprise). Agricultural Students; $0
Non-members - $90 + GST (new members can join on the day & receive member rate. PPS annual membership $66)
Dinner must be pre booked for catering purposes, $60 per person. Drinks purchased on the night.
Registration desk opens at 8.15 am in the Ararat Town Hall foyer
Tickets available through trybooking https://www.trybooking.com/CUOMQ or at the door. RSVP by Friday 13th September
Further information contact PPS Project Manager
Rob Shea
Mobile; 0438 521357,
Email: yadin061@tpg.com.au